Services For

Mobile Network Operators (MNO)
With more than two decades of experience in successfully providing fixed and mobile telecoms services to MNOs across Europe, the UK and Scandinavia, Connect44 has consistently adapted to industry change in order to forecast, develop and deliver services to meet customers’ evolving requirements.
As the mobile telecoms industry’s exponential capacity growth, technology development and restructuring occurs, Connect44 will always remain ahead of the curve.

Core Network Planning
RAN Design and Planning
Transport & Connectivity
Fibre Network Planning
Fibre Planning and Design
Build Services Overview
Site Acquisition & Estate Management Services
RAN Services Overview
Transport Services Overview
Services Overview

Tower Companies
With more than two decades’ experience of delivering plan build and management services on telecom sites, Connect44 will always maintain and adapt services to the changing requirements of MNOs and Site Providers. As the landscape changes for telecoms infrastructure ownership, and the responsibilities of site development between MNO and Site provider develop, Connect44 provides a range of services across Europe which benefits both single site owners and those with a multi-national portfolio. Subject matter experts, together with Centres of Excellence in the key areas of Plan, Build and Manage, help us to deliver effectively, efficiently and economically for mobile, fixed and fibre network providers across Europe, the UK and Scandinavia.
Design Services for site infrastructure, RAN and transport are delivered by the Connect44 3D Environment services team. With offices in 11 European countries, and our in-house design facility and Centre of Excellence in Spain, Germany and Poland, delivering a comprehensive end-to-end design service of virtual-environment, desk-top site design and structural design services.
Connect44 Site Build Centres of Excellence are located in Germany for Macro RAN site build and Fibre build activities and in Den Haag, Netherlands for In-building solutions and Vendor Agnostic systems.
Our RAN and transport build capability delivers both fibre build and RAN site build services in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, and is rapidly expanding into other Connect44 markets, successfully delivering end-to-end infrastructure build services.

Build Services Overview
RAN Services Overview
Transport Services Overview
Fibre Network Planning
Services Overview

Fixed & Fibre Companies
Whether you require on-premises Fibre connectivity or national fibre FTTx, passive or active, Connect44 provides an end-to-end portfolio of services in Fibre Planning, Construction and operational NOC services with the capability to deliver projects from national infrastructure to single site, last-mile tails.
Our experienced team of consultants, planners and designers provide an end-to-end proposition to ensure expert guidance and support, -from feasibility to operations and monitoring, in our state-of-the-art Network Operations Centres in Romania, Germany, and Spain.
Our recent projects include:
More than 20,000 home connections
More than 500 private network connections
A 1000+Km planning project
Civil Works for 500+Km; trenching ducting and fibre-pull
In Germany Connect44 remains a major fibre provider:
250+Km route planning for Germany’s premier Network Operator
20,000 connections per year Nationally
80Km route in Bornheim, Germany
50Km route in Cologne for a local fibre operator
220Km route in Viersen for a local fibre operator
30+Km route in Bonn for the Germany’s premier Network Operator
35+Km route in Rheinbach for a local fibre operator
80+Km route in Neidersachsen-Hamburg for a global fibre operator

Fibre Network Planning
Fibre Planning and Design
Transport & Connectivity
Site Acquisition & Estate Management Services
Build Services Overview
Transport Services Overview
Services Overview

Network Equipment Vendors
Connect44’s longest served customers for more than two decades, are telecoms equipment vendors.
When the company was established in 2000 the business first concentrated on specialist resource provision before developing into a services supplier, offering a comprehensive range of fixed and mobile telecom services across Plan, Build and Manage.
With more than two decades successfully providing resources and telecom fixed and mobile services to MNOs across Europe, Connect44 is hugely aware of our customers’ needs. With the rapid pace of change in mobile telecoms, Connect44 has always anticipated and adapted to change, and we will continue to deliver successful outcomes to existing and new customers’.
The mobile telecoms industry has always developed technology and capacity at an exponential rate. As MNOs divest infrastructure, the role of the TowerCo increases and mobile network technology and IT technology converge in the Open-RAN space, Connect44 has already adapted to the next great challenges in the mobile telecoms industry.